Issue 32 | Spring 2024
Editors' Choice Winners
Nonfiction: Sunshine Pancakes by Kymberlin Johnson
Fiction: Job Blues by Audrey Gee
Poetry: When I Say My Favorite Color Is Red by S. M. Beal
Visual Art: The Troubled by Jove Tripp-Thompson
Rebounded | Natalie Franson
Identity Politics | Alexa Smith (She/Her)
How To Write This Essay | Jacob D. Law
(How To Survive) A Father’s Doomsday | Katharine Tesar
Silhouettes | Miah Mooper
One Hundred Dollars | Jamison Conforto
From the Sunroof of the Ford | Eleora Ryan
Conversation in the Dark | Hailea Drummond (She/Her)
Snippets | Kimberlina Chatwin
Dusting the Solar Sea | Audrey Gee (She/Her)
Dirtbag | Audrey Gee (She/Her)
Meetcute: you find my body on the side of the freeway at night | Jamison Conforto
ACAB Includes Vampires | RF O’Shaughnessy
Covenants | Alexander Seils
Dorm With the Devil | Abbie Cochrane
A Cog in the Machine | Ella G. Brain
A Cup of Tea | Katrina Cox Tindall
African Crown | Geneva Williams
Alchemy of the Mind | D. Bryan
All my Words | Hannah "Reagan" Judd
Baths in the Dark | Charles Jones
Beautiful Beings | Geneva Williams
Coming back to California | Lily Gebs
Constellations | Shauri Cherie
Contemplating Unhealthy Eating Patterns | Bee Manesse
Do you remember that Freudian slip? | Kate Schmidt
eight thirty-nine p.m. | Shauri Cherie
Elegy For Me, Before | Alexander Seils
Elegy for the Gravedigger | Kate Schmidt
Eye of the Raven | Faith Anderson
Happy | Rebecca Fielding
he was sour patch kids | Natalie Franson
Hot Trans Summer | Alexander Seils
I Hate Lava Lamp Boy | Famke Halma
notes app poetry #4 | Kate Schmidt
Ode to the Stain on the Bathroom Carpet | Famke Halma
Religious Inquiries of a Homosexual | Kylie Brown
Renouncement | Carlos Bertoglio
Resentful Repentance | Tara Dole
Scintillating Scotoma | Alexander Seils
Small Hands / Spare Change | Laurel Buxton
The Disillusioned's Remembrance | Emryn R. Syme
The Father I Never Had | Tara Dole
Things I Don't Want My Mom to Read | John Pollock
What's the (projectile) point? | Kate Schmidt