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Potassium-Based Chemical Retransformation
Megan Warner
Yesterday you were slow
Down crosswalk sign
Yellow and curved like an
Apostrophe, comma, slow
Down there are children here
Avoiding you.
Today you are still curved
But speckled
Brown leopard print hickies
Speak of the heavy kiss of air
In the heat of nighttime chemistry
A disease, it moves on
To your cousins
Huddled around you
-ex stealers and tattletales
A medley of thrown fists
That don’t have any weight but
leave marks all the same.
Tomorrow you will still be curved
But shriveled slightly and brown
Halfway to decomposed and
Sweeter than you started and
you’ll be perfect to mash and
blend and shape and combine and
bake into a breakfast delicacy and
I’ll look at you fresh
out of the oven and give you
a new name: banana bread muffin
poetry, 2020
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